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Medi-Plinth Couch Cleaning Information

How to clean your medical couch

To maintain their appearance, our plinth fabrics should be cleaned regularly to remove fatty substances and soiling. Light soiling can be removed by wiping with a damp, soapy cloth or sponge and subsequent rinsing with water before drying. If dirt is ingrained, the surface may be scrubbed with a soft brush. For stubborn stains a mix of 1 part methylated spirits to 5 parts water may be used. A very mild antiseptic may also be used if required.

Care should be taken to protect the vinyl from oil based products (including body oils) as continued contact will cause the vinyl to harden. All of the Medi-Plinth range has been tested and are capable of withstanding the most rigorous cleaning regime. These fabrics can be used with all NHS approved cleaning solutions such as Chlor-Clean, Haz-Tab, Milton and Tristel. Clinell wipes and other alcohol based wipes are safe to use on our vinyls.

The fabrics are resistant to most mild acids, alkalis and household stains. Some substances such as ballpoint pen, lipstick, newsprint and food colourings may be absorbed by the vinyl and cause permanent staining. This can be minimised by immediate cleaning with a damp soapy cloth or sponge.



Do not use chemical bleaching materials, solvents, abrasive cleaners, wax polish or aerosol spray polishes. The use of these substances is likely to be harmful to PVC-coated fabrics and repeated use can result in the removal of the plasticizer of the PVC compound, which will result in hardening and subsequent cracking of the material surface.

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